CRISIS Description
Measures: The CRISIS questionnaires include the following domains:
- Background (e.g., Demographics, Health, Family/living situation)
- Coronavirus/covid-19 health/exposure status
- Life changes due to coronavirus/covid-19 crisis
- Daily behaviors (e.g., sleep, physical activity, time outdoors)
- Emotions/worries (e.g., mood circumplex)
- Media use (e.g., mobile devices, media, etc.)
- Substance use (e.g., tobacco, alcohol, other drugs)
Versions: There are three versions of the CRISIS questionnaires:
- BASELINE FORM that is completed at the first contact and includes the following sections: (1) a Background section that obtains some basic demographic information; (2) Past Three Month assessment of the survey domains shown below; and (3) Past Two Week assessment of the same domains;
- CURRENT FORM that is a shorter version of the BASELINE FORM that excludes the Past Three-Month assessment;
- FOLLOW UP FORM that assesses the same domains across optional time study-specific periods (e.g., weekly, bi-weekly, monthly).
The Baseline takes about 10-12 minutes and the Follow Up about 5-7 minutes.
Translations: The surveys have been translated to Brazilian Portuguese, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Japanese, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish. Additional translations will be added.
Copies of all forms, their translations and scoring information can be found on our downloads page.
If you are a researcher or institution using any version of the CRISIS Survey, please take a moment to fill out the usage form below.